In order to overcome anger, the believer's spirit must become sufficiently strong that he is led by his spirit instead of his soul (mind, will and emotions). When a believer is born-again, he is a baby spiritually, and just as with a new-born in the natural, he must eat. Food for the new-born Christian is the Word of God. If a physical baby must eat in order to grow, so it is with a new-born Christian. Many people, of considerable age, or who have attended church for many years, or who have impressive degrees, are thought of as being spiritually mature. They offer counsel, believing that it is "wise" counsel. However, longevity, church attendance, and wisdom of the world has nothing to do with "spiritual" growth and maturity. Just as there is a difference in natural and spiritual growth, there is also a difference in natural and spiritual maturity. Growth and maturity of the spirit comes from only one source, and that is by "eating" the Word of God. Jesus told us to "eat" the word and that we are to live by every word. His word is our food by which we grow. If a believer does not read, study and meditate on the word of God, and spend time in His presence, receiving revelation and understanding from the Spirit of God, he is not feeding his spirit and cannot grow or mature. Just as the believer could not survive by eating just one meal per week, on Sunday, he must eat the word daily. Without "eating" the word, he remains a baby, and unable to discern the word, despite the fact that he might be very mature and very wise in the ways of the world. Misunderstanding this principle has led many to seek to know God through the intellect instead of seeking spiritual revelation of Him by and through His Word and His Spirit.
The Holy Spirit dwells in the believer and is his Helper. When the believer reads, studies and meditates on the word of God, the Holy Spirit edifies and strengthens his spirit and helps him to grow spiritually. The word begins to become real to him and his faith grows. The "God-kind" of faith comes only from the Word. As he progresses from eating the "milk" of the word and goes on to get understanding and enlightenment of the "meat of the word", the believer's mind is being renewed so that his thoughts line up with the Word. His spirit is getting stronger and he is able to offer greater resistance to the leading of his soul. He starts to hear and listen to the "sweet small voice" of the Holy Spirit nudging him to refrain from the ways of the “old man” and the dictates of his own will, and emotions. He begins to obey the leading of the Spirit and his actions begin to change and come in line with the God's righteous ways. He starts to partake of the peace of God. Not only is his mind being renewed so that his thoughts now begin to align with the word of righteousness, but his will does too. His desires begin to change. He no longer desires the things of the "old man" (desires that he had before he was saved). His will is coming in line with God's will and he consecrates himself daily to do God's will. In this, too, he is strengthened by the Holy Spirit to keep that commitment. In addition, his emotions follow in these changes, and he produces fruit of the Spirit (Love, joy, peace, goodness, kindness, gentleness, meekness, faithfulness and temperance which is the fruit produced by the Holy Spirit Who lives in him.) instead of fruit of the flesh, among which is anger. He has progressed to the point that his mind is renewed and sides with his spirit which is led by the Holy Spirit, and he is strong enough spiritually to exercise his will to "kill" his flesh and make a decision that he will not be offended and react to anything in anger.
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